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Mission Statement: To advance, foster, and promote the paralegal profession by providing a statewide voice for paralegals.

PO Box 537

Warrenton, Virginia 20188

Tax ID No.:  71-0951299

Who we are

The Virginia Alliance of Paralegal Associations, formerly: Virginia Alliance of Legal Assistant Associations (the Alliance) was formed by six associations in 1989 and is now comprised of paralegal associations and individual area liaisons located within the Commonwealth of Virginia. It represents over 1,500 paralegals* and students across the state.

Read more.


Join today!

For more information about our member associations and their contact information, click on the Associations tab above.

If you or your association is interested in filling a vacant position or participating in VAPA events, please contact president@vaparalegalalliance.org.

14th Biennial Statewide Conference

This year's conference was a success and a great time was had by all.  Be sure to mark your calendars for early October 2026 for VAPA's 15th Biennial Conference for another lineup of engaging speakers and networking opportunities.  Stay tuned for more details.

Big THANK YOU to our Conference sponsors and vendor:


Virginia Registered

Paralegal Program


Are you ready to up your game?

  Get certified!

In recognition of the growing need to establish a benchmark to determine qualified paralegals, on November 7, 2015, the Virginia Alliance of Paralegal Associations (VAPA) adopted a Policy on Paralegal Regulation by approving the Virginia Registered Paralegal (VARP™) program, a voluntary paralegal credentialing system.

Effective 2/1/2025 the VARP application fee is $50. Designations are renewed every two years.

Read more on the VARP Program.


VAPA Pins Now Available!

Visit the store to purchase your VAPA Pin. We are offering options for a pin  with a box (pictured below) ($12 + shipping) and a pin without a box ($10 + shipping). 

VAPA Officers for 2023-2025!

President:  Tammy Lynn, ACP, VARP (Virginia Peninsula Paralegal Association)

Vice President:  Sabrae Bell, CRP, VARP (Paralegal Association of Northern Virginia)

Treasurer:  Denise Conrad CP, VARP (Tidewater Paralegal Association)

Recording Secretary:  Sara Reed (Tidewater Paralegal Association)

Upcoming events

About the Alliance

VAPA was formed by six associations in 1989 and is now comprised of paralegal associations and individual area liaisons located within the Commonwealth of Virginia. It represents over 1,500 paralegals and students across the state. The Alliance is non-partisan, non-profit, and non-union.


President Tammy Lynn, ACP, VARP: president@vaparalegalalliance.org

VARP Inquiries: VARP@vaparalegalalliance.org

©2025 The Virginia Alliance of Paralegal Associations
All rights reserved.

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